Bear Hunting 2018

In northern Minnesota one great privilege as a hunter is to be drawn for a bear tag. While three of us applied only my father in law Lee was chosen to bear hunt this year. He headed up mid August to start the baiting process. He asked local bakeries to keep all of their sweet rolls, buns, and other items that would attract bear.

Lee had decided on three spots to set out his “pits”. Two were on Julie and Lees private land and one was on public land near Northome, MN. After filling lees pits with sweet rolls, molasses, and apples we collected stinky dead animals to attract the bear.

Lee checked them every weekend and had his brother check during the week when he was up there. They were hit quite a few times within the few weeks of baiting.

Opening weekend was the first weekend in September Julie, Lee, and I headed up on a Thursday night and checked the pits Friday morning. None of the pits were hit but we refreshed and waited. Lee went out for the weekend but no luck was had while we were there.

On Saturday we broke up the day and went to a “Pit Party”. The family that hosted dug a hole in the ground and lined it with brick. They then started the fire the day before and kept the coals hot.

The pit crew placed multiple different meats in the pit, covered the pit with a cover, then placed dirt on top to seal the heat. The meats were wrapped in tin foil, then a wet gunny sack, and tied with wire and a wire hand so they could easily grab the meat out once finished. The family slow roasted them until around 2:00 pm.

Everyone gathered around and watched as they shoveled and swept the dirt away, then opened the lid and brought the meat to the table. Everyone helped cut the meat up and we feasted! With a full belly we returned back to the cabin and waited for a call.

After we took the trip home we were bummed there was no bear to cut up but we made great memories. Until next year!



  1. Your story is now featured on the Travelers Insider section!

  2. Such a fun weekend . . . no bear but family and friends filled the void!

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